Lent Offerings at The Center

Celebrate, Pause, Reflect

Below you will find a list of upcoming classes and experiences you may participate in this Lenten Season.

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05mar12:00 pmAsh Wednesday

05mar5:30 pm7:00 pmLent on the Labyrinth - Ash Wednesday

09mar6:00 pm7:00 pmEvening Contemplative WorshipSunday Evenings in Lent

Lenten Opportunities

Sunday Mornings

Weekly at 8:45am

Join us for worship every Sunday morning throughout Lent. For the Season of Lent, we will be offering our Contemplative Worship Service twice on a Sunday, once at 8:45am, and again at 6pm. Childcare is available for infants through 2 years of age in the Chaplewood Nursery. Children ages 3 years through 5th grade are welcome to attend Godly Play in YB100.

Sunday Evenings

Weekly at 6:00pm

Lent is a time when many people choose to engage in different spiritual practices to increase their conscious contact with God. Here at The Center for Christian Spirituality we hear that people are drawn to Contemplative Worship, but the early start time is a barrier. For the Season of Lent, we will be offering our Contemplative Worship Service twice on a Sunday, once at 8:45am, and again at 6pm. Childcare is available in the Chaplewood Nursery for infants through 2nd grade by signing up in advance.

Lent on The Labyrinth

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm

Join us on the Labyrinth at The Anchor House, Wednesdays before sunset as we journey through Lent. Walking the labyrinth is a way to pray and meditate with your whole being – body, mind, and heart. It’s a tangible way to “walk humbly with God”, to quiet your mind, and open your heart. A time for you to remember, release, receive and return each week during the Lenton season. The labyrinth will be open for you to go at your own pace with materials available to help guide you should you need.

Wednesday Study

Faith Works: A Contemplative Bible Study in James

March 12 – April 9 | 11:00 a.m.

Singing, Centering, and Teaching with lunch at 11:45 p.m. in The Anchor House.

Holy Week Services

Holy Wednesday

Lent on the Labyrinth

April 16 | 6:30-8:00pm | The Anchor House

Enter into the Holy Wednesday narrative of Mary Magdalene anointing Jesus. After a brief time of welcome, we will enter into a Contemplative Remembrance of this act that Jesus said, “truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” (Mark 14:9) There will be chant, readings, silence, and a time for anointing in the Labyrinth at The Anchor House.

Maundy Thursday

Sacred Supper

April 17 | 6:30pm | The Anchor House

Join us for a special Sacred Supper in The Anchor House. This will be a different kind of potluck dinner where we remember the Last Supper where Jesus broke bread and gave thanks with his beloved ones. After supper we will have a brief liturgy and celebrate communion.

Good Friday


April 18 | 12:00 pm | The Chapel

Luke 23:44 tells us that when Jesus was crucified darkness fell across the land. Join us in the Chapel at Noon on Good Friday for a simple service of readings and instrumental violin and piano music, for an opportunity to sit in darkness and stillness and encounter God there.


Sunday, April 20 | 8:45 am

Celebrate the risen Christ with us at The Center for Christian Spirituality.

Child care for infants through 3 years old will be available in the nursery. Children 4 and up are invited to worship with their families.