Freely Receive, Freely Give:

Walking the Fourfold Way of Christ

A 6-week Class on Living the Inward-Outward Journey through the Gospel Archetypes

January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15 | The Anchor House

The Jerusalem Cross
In his ministry, Jesus the Christ came as Prophet/Visionary, Healer, Lord, and Teacher. Today we continue to encounter him in these ways. Traditionally and across many cultures, these are the archetypes of the Seer-Prophet, Healer-Priest, Warrior-King, and Teacher-Sage. We are also invited to embody Christ today in our world through these roles as visionaries, healers, sovereigns, and sages.
Join Michael as he takes us on a deep dive into the background of each path. We will also be given practical ways to open ourselves to Christ in these ways to “freely receive,” as well as how to allow Christ to “freely give” of himself through us in each of these ways. This is a great opportunity to consider practical ways of living the inward-outward contemplative journey.

The cost for the 6-week class is $40. It will be live-streamed, recorded, and uploaded to our online platform Epiphany Today. The class will include handouts as well as a weekly email.