Relaxing into Wholeness Enneagram Workshop

28sep9:00 am4:00 pmRelaxing into Wholeness Enneagram WorkshopEnneagram Type as a Portal to Essence

Event Details

What supports you in believing in and moving into your wholeness? What in your life creates fragmentation and serves as barrier to your wholeness?

In this advanced Enneagram workshop, participants will reflect on these questions as well as explore how our Enneagram type’s ego ideal operates to limit us. When we become conscious of its role in our lives we see that it is actually imitating our Holy Idea or enlightened spiritual perspective rather than supporting the sacredness of our lives. The ego ideal and our type’s motivation create a “needing to strive towards” mentality. Engaging in this striving, distances us from our wholeness, our Essence.

During our time together, we’ll engage in dyad inquiry, small group discussion, panel interviews, and experiential exercises that lead us toward inner spaciousness and freedom from the patterns of our Enneagram type. Bring your curiosity and self-compassion as we explore our inner landscape. 

Participants need a working knowledge of their type to participate.

Due to the generosity of our faithful givers, this workshop is being offered free of charge.

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September 28, 2024 9:00 am - 4:00 pm(GMT-05:00)


The Anchor House

11110 Greenbay St.

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