Centering Prayer
Practical tools to help you gently re-center in God
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00am
Sometimes, praying to God can become difficult and tedious.
Even if you grew up in church and were taught many prayers and ways to pray, your prayer life can become stale.
What if prayer was less talking TO God and more being WITH God?
Centering Prayer is a way to move from the many words of your mind to re-center yourself in God by means of your own heart, the center of your being.
“I come to Centering Prayer to intentionally give myself to God’s presence and work in my life. It is time I set aside to let go of my daily preoccupations, concerns, activities and be silent and still and listen and open to God speaking in whatever form that may take.”
Noel Denison
“The Centering Prayer time is like an oasis in my week. I hate to miss it and when I do, I feel a bit empty. You wouldn’t think that a time of silent prayer could fill a person up, but it does.”
Robert Westheimer
“For several decades, I have had a meditative practice of some kind, finding those practices have always come from meandering into the pursuit of finding a way to settle down from the inside out. The practice is a respite and gives my oh-so-human self a much-needed break.”
Carol Watson
Experience Centering Prayer with us.
Choose a centering prayer experience that works for you.
Join us at 9:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in our Zoom room. Message us for the link and password. Starting August 25 we will add in person at The Anchor House on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. And starting September 6, we will add an online meeting on Mondays at 5:00 p.m.
Once a month, we have a quiet Day for Prayer using guided readings from contemplatives from the Christian tradition. See Events for details.
If you are new to Centering Prayer or need a refresher, come to our next Centering Prayer Workshop. For our next one, see our Upcoming Events.
Join us for our next Centering Prayer Session
Here are our upcoming sessions.