Jerusalem Cross

Our 2023 Aim for The Center

Freely Receive, Freely Give

an inward-outward journey

This Year at The Center

You are invited:
to intentionally walk the inward-outward spiritual journey,
to a deepening awareness of God and self,
to companion with others on the journey of deepening trust,
to freely receiving God’s light, life and love,
and freely giving God’s light, life and love.

As you go, proclaim:
“The realm of the heavens has come near.”
Heal the sick, cleanse lepers,
raise the dead, cast out demons.
Freely you received, freely give.”
~ Matthew 10:7-8

Over the course of this year, our intention at The Center is to provide you with four primary ways to work with our aim:

The Jerusalem Cross

Contemplative Practice

The Jerusalem Cross

Contemplative Wisdom

The Jerusalem Cross

Contemplative Community

The Jerusalem Cross

Contemplative Presence

Contemplative Prayer

Through contemplative prayer, we open ourselves to receive God’s Vision for us and the world and to live in the light of our Belovedness and help others do the same.

Contemplative Wisdom

Through contemplative teaching and practices, we open ourselves to Divine Wisdom so that we might live more wakefully and wisely in our world.

Contemplative Community

Through contemplative community, we open ourselves to healing and wholeness and create space for others to experience God’s kind of love.

Contemplative Presence

Through contemplative presence to God and others, we “show up” and access resources of power and communication.

We at The Center are stewards of these four dimensions of the Contemplative Journey.

Through your generous giving of your time, talents, and treasures, we are co-creating a beautiful community of contemplative prayer, wisdom, healing, and presence.

Pledging & Giving to The Center

At this time of the year, the worship communities that make up Chapelwood typically have our annual stewardship emphasis. But instead of thinking of stewardship as a way to raise a budget, please consider how stewardship is a way of helping you to consciously live the inward-outward spiritual journey, freely receiving the light, life and love of God and freely giving the light, life and love of God to the world.

This will look differently for all of us as we prayerfully consider how we might increase our monetary giving to The Center. Some of us will only be able to do what we did last year. Others might need to decrease their commitment because of all that has and is happening in the world. You must do what you sense the Divine wants for you. But some of us may simply mechanically give whatever we gave the previous year. Please take this as an opportunity to truly consider intentionally taking a next step on the Giving Journey.

By January 29, please click on the button “MY AIM” that will take you to a Google Form where you can indicate the various ways you intend to engage in our 2023 Aim of “Freely Receive, Freely Give.” You will have an opportunity to indicate specific ways you intend to engage in our four dimensions of contemplative ministry: Prayer, Wisdom, Community, and Presence. After you submit your responses to the Google Form, you will receive a “thank you” response that will include a link to the “Estimate of Giving” page to indicate the step you are taking and your estimate of giving for 2023. Letting us know your estimate greatly helps us as we pay attention to our budget and expenses for 2023. After you submit your pledge, you will receive an automatic email from Chapelwood UMC indicating that your pledge was successfully made.

If you wish to go straight to the Pledge form, click on the button “MY PLEDGE.”